Letter To Parents Regarding The Implementation of the YONDR Pouch /Cell Phone Policy For Students On September 6, 2023

September 5, 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians:

 As you and your student know by now, we will begin implementation of our YONDR pouch initiative tomorrow, September 6, 2023.

 The YONDR pouch is a secure locking device designed to temporarily store cell phones during school hours, allowing students to focus on their studies and interact with their peers without distractions while keeping their devices safe and in their possession.

This crucial change is aimed at enhancing the learning environment and improving the mental health of our students, giving them the opportunity to engage fully in their lessons, participate actively in class discussions, and develop stronger interpersonal relationships during breaks.


  • Starting tomorrow, students will receive their YONDR pouch for cell phones outside of the building upon arrival.  Staff will assist them as they will write their names in permanent marker on their pouch and then power off their phones and lock them in their pouches.
  • At dismissal, they will be able to unlock pouches at the exits.
  • After tomorrow, the expectation is for our students to power off and pouch up their phone each day before entering the building, as Xenia High School will be a cell phone free zone for students during the school day.
  • Remember! If you need to contact your student during the school day, call our main office at 937-372-6983, and we will bring your student to the nearest available phone.

We understand that parents may have reasonable concerns about this change, but hope that you will work with us as we implement this program to benefit our students. As discussed during our presentation at the August Board of Education meeting, we also truly understand that cell phones have become an integral part of modern life and communication. However, we also recognize the potential disruptions they can cause in the classroom!  

 We encourage you to have discussions with your child about the importance of minimizing distractions and making the most of their educational experience. We believe that by working together, we can create a more focused and productive learning environment to benefit all.

 If you have any questions or concerns specific to your child about the YONDR pouch program, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Xenia High School. We value your feedback and want to thank you in advance for your understanding and support. We look forward to a successful implementation of the YONDR pouch program and the positive impact it will bring.


 Molly Corrado
Xenia High School
Assistant Principal