Adapted PE Field Day 2024
Posted on 05/08/2024
On Tuesday, May 7, under a cloudy sky, Adapted Physical Education (APE) students from across the district gathered on the track at Xenia High School for the 3rd Annual Color Run. This event is an opportunity for the students from the self-contained classrooms across the district to gather in their decorated white t-shirts to run, walk, or wheel their way around the track while volunteers spray them with a rainbow of colors!
After lunch in the gym, students participated in a variety of activities adapted so that they are accessible to all, no matter their ability. Bowling, Putt-Putt golf, Ladder Ball, Corn Hole, Cake Walk, Left-Right-Center, parachute, Tug-of-War, and face painting stations were just a few of the activities available. Students laughed, mingled, danced, collected autographs from friends, and just had a blast! It didn’t matter that some used wheelchairs, some used sign language or AAC devices, or some sat on the bleachers and watched. It was a day of fun and acceptance for everyone.
Thanks to all the teachers, assistants, Related Services staff (OTs, COTAs, PTs, SLPs, especially event coordinator Joe Price), Central Office staff, parents, and many others who made this fantastic day possible.
We’re super excited for next year’s Color Run!