Club Purpose
The purpose of the XHS Gamers Club is to provide a forum of healthy sportsmanship where students can come together to talk about and play their favorite tabletop games. We support the local gaming population, and provide a constant source of opponents for games which may be hard to find people to game with.
We do not condone any illegal or subversive activity. Some people have a negative connotation that goes with gaming, and through this club, we hope to change that view.
Club Information
ADVISOR: Mr. Keefe
MEETINGS: Every Tuesday, cafeteria, 2:30-4:30
DUES: $5 annually
The Gamers Club will provide a forum for students to come together, talk about, and play games in an environment of fun and friendly competition. Good sportsmanship is a must!
Anyone who is interested in board games, role-playing games, or trading card games may join. Every member must be a good sportsman: no abusive behavior will be tolerated.
The XHS Gamers Club provides a place for people to come together, talk about, and play their favorite games without having to go to a store or someone's home. New members are welcome all year.
Played games are limited to the approved list. The club owns many games, and it is up to all of us to make sure we don't lose pieces, nothing is stolen, etc. You may bring in your own games to play, as long as they are on the list. I recommend that games be brought to Mr. Keefe in the morning and kept in B241. That way nothing gets taken from your locker.
Officer positions will be: president, vice-president, secretary, and sergeant-at-arms. The treasurer’s duties will be managed by the advisor.
We will have a short club business meeting on the first Tuesday of every month, followed by gaming. Club business can be discussed at any meeting, but will be officially handled on those meetings.
Video game consoles are limited access, and members must be paid up for the year to play. It is a perk of paying your club dues. It is not guaranteed that consoles will be at every meeting.
Anyone is welcome to come and play board games, card games, or RPGs, but only members who have paid their dues may propose new games, use club-owned games, participate in tournaments, hold office, vote during business meetings, bring in consoles, play video games, buy t-shirts or hoodies, and be part of the end of the year party.
Some extracurricular trips may be arranged (trip to a convention, game store, etc).These will always be outside of regular school time. Students who wish to go on these will need to pay for these in addition to regular dues.
Club Rules:
1. |
This is a school club. At school. Therefore, all school rules apply. |
2. |
No cursing. You will be
asked to leave if you have an issue with this. The Curse Jar will come
back if it is bad; it'll cost you a buck every time an officer or I hear you
curse, payable then. You can't come back to the club until it is paid in
full. |
3. |
Good sportsmanship must be displayed at all times. No trash talking or abusive behavior.
This also includes no quitting a game when you're losing or quitting a game
you've begun to play something else. Finish what you've started. |
4. |
You MUST clean
up your trash and push in your chairs. |
5. |
No horseplay. Don't walk
on, sit on, or vault over the tables. |
6. |
Be respectful of club and private property. All of our games were purchased with club
funds; I don't want to have to buy replacement parts. Theft will be
prosecuted. |
7. |
Repeated or flagrant violation of rules will
result in your expulsion from the club, and possibly a discipline
referral. |
8. |
Put games and
materials back where you got them, HOW you found them. Please pack up the game properly; all box lids
should fit down snugly and not stick up. I get irritated when I have to
repack the games. |
9. |
You should NOT be wandering the halls during club time. Leaving and coming back is not allowed.
If you leave for a restroom break, come right back. You should not be
visiting McDonald’s, the lockers, or other teachers or areas. |
10. |
All rules arguments are to be resolved in the
rock-paper-scissors method. |
Club Procedures:
1. |
XGC is for Xenia High School students or Xenia
students at the GCCC. If you have
graduated or are not yet in high school, you should not be here without
approval. |
2. |
Sign in and have a great meeting! |
3. |
You should leave out the FRONT door if driving, and the BACK door if walking. The C-wing and C-wing doors are off-limits. |
Being a school club, we have a responsibility to make sure that the games we play are acceptable for the school setting. In general, board games that are listed as appropriate for ages 5-16 are acceptable. Other tabletop games, role-playing games, and card games must first be sanctioned by me and the administration.
Other games that are allowed for the XGC are as follows:
Warhammer Fantasy Battle |
Diplomacy |
Kill Doctor Lucky |
Warhammer 40,000 |
Frag! |
Colosseum |
Blood Bowl |
Ninja Burger |
Rush n' Crush |
Wahammer Quest |
Car Wars |
Revolution! |
Warmachine |
Betrayal at House on the Hill |
Super Dungeon Explore |
Hordes |
Magic: The Gathering TCG |
Lord of the Rings |
Heroquest |
Harry Potter TCG |
Mage Knight |
No Thanks! |
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG |
Settlers of Catan |
Saboteur! |
Dragonball Z TCG |
Manila |
Station Master |
Pokemon TCG |
Ticket to Ride |
Long Shot |
Dungeons & Dragons RPG |
Castle Panic |
Galaxy Trucker |
Pathfinder RPG |
Talisman |
Munchkin |
Star Wars RPG |
Elder Sign |
Lords of Waterdeep |
Iron Kingdoms RPG |
The club owns copies of Axis and Allies, Shogun, a Yu-Gi-Oh deck, Stratego, Monopoly, Risk, Star Wars Risk, a Warmachine: Prime rulebook with Cygnar and Magnus battlegroups, HeroQuest, two Blood Bowl sets with Human, Orc, High Elf, Dwarf, and Lizardman teams, Warhammer 40,000: Battle for Macragge, Super Dungeon Explore, Zombies!!!, Pit, Settlers of Catan, Manila, Ticket to Ride, No Thanks!, Saboteur, Station Master, Frag Gold, Munchkin, Pokemon Master Trainer, and tons more, as well as several chess sets.
Just because your game is not on the list does not mean it won’t ever be. New games can be added to the list on a case-by-case basis.
You are welcome to discuss other games not listed here, such as role-playing games, computer games, and other TCGs. Unfortunately, we've had a lot of people hanging around and getting us into trouble, so if you're not playing a game, you will be asked to leave.
Please do not play games that are not approved. In particular, Cards Against Humanity and games like it are not allowed. If you want a game to be approved, it must be submitted to me. You must be a paid member to submit a game for approval.