February 5, 2025
Still going strong with 20+ people a meeting! Got some good games of Rear Window and I got to teach a few newbies Pit, which is always fun (and LOUD!).
We have enough people that have said they'll get a shirt or hoodie that they should be at the $15 price point. I will have order forms available at the next couple meetings. Cash or check is fine, and you'll need to pay when you order. Checks will need to be made out to Kevin Keefe; if you write it to the school, I cannot use it.
S-XL $15, XXL $17, 3XL $18, 4XL $19
S-XL $30, XXL $32, 3XL $34, 4XL $36
I would like to place the order by Feb 25!!!
January 31, 2025
So we're looking at getting the t-shirt and hoodie order set up. Problem is, the prices are dependent on the number we order, so I really need a good number of how many people would order one. If we can get 10 ordered, they start at $15 apiece. At 16 shirts ordered, it drops to $13 each. Otherwise, they start at $18, which isn't ideal. If you're going to get a shirt, even at $18 per shirt, please sign up at the meeting. Then I'll print off the order forms, and we'll be good to go.
Lots of people at the meeting this week, which is great. It'd be great if more of us played games, but I'll take it.
Here are the tentative quotes from the shirt:
- Adam Sandler? What are you doing here?
- I’m about to stick someone with a quest.
- Is the cheese man Gouda?
- What are you fellows doing over there?
- I swear I’m not cheating on purpose.
- I like trains.
- VANDALISM! *insane laughing*
- Imma stick a feather in it.
- Ooh! A blue bean!
- I hate this game.
- I never remember Waterdeep being this painful.
- School’s closed? *checks phone* SCHOOL’S CLOSED!!!
January 24, 2025
Welcome to the new year! We've lucked out this week and had the meeting, then a snow day, and we're back. Been a good couple meetings so far.
We're going to be talking about t-shirts at the next meeting, so make sure you come. I did get an email from Trophy Shop earlier this year letting me know that costs have gone up, so that's some bad news. I'll have information on it next week.
Also, here's a reminder about club rules and procedures. We've been having some issues recently; need to rein it in.
This is a school club. At school. Therefore, all school rules apply.
No cursing. You will be asked to leave if you have an issue with this. The Curse Jar will come back if it is bad; it'll cost you a buck every time an officer or I hear you curse, payable then. You can't come back to the club until it is paid in full.
Good sportsmanship must be displayed at all times. No trash talking or abusive behavior. This also includes no quitting a game when you're losing or quitting a game you've begun to play something else. Finish what you've started.
You MUST clean up your trash and push in your chairs.
No horseplay. Don't walk on, sit on, or vault over the tables, chairs, and couches.
Be respectful of club and private property. All of our games were purchased with club funds; I don't want to have to buy replacement parts. Theft will be prosecuted.
Repeated or flagrant violation of rules will result in your expulsion from the club, and possibly a discipline referral.
Put games and materials back where you got them, HOW you found them. Please pack up the game properly; all box lids should fit down snugly and not stick up. I get irritated when I have to repack the games.
You should NOT be wandering the halls during club time. Leaving and coming back is not allowed. If you leave for a restroom break, come right back. You should not be visiting McDonald’s, the lockers, or other teachers or areas.
All rules arguments are to be resolved in the rock-paper-scissors method.
1. |
XGC is for Xenia High School students or Xenia students at the GCCC. If you have graduated or are not yet in high school, you should not be here without approval. |
2. |
Sign in and have a great meeting! |
3. |
You are to leave by the FRONT door by the office if driving, and the BACK parking lot door if walking. The C-wing and C-wing doors are off limits. |
December 16, 2024
Hey everyone. Because of the weirdness of the schedule this week, we're going to go ahead and cancel the meeting for this week. Have an amazing break, and we'll see you in the new year!

December 11, 2024
Been a while since the last update here. I do update the Google Classroom and Facebook pages more frequently.
It's been a good last few weeks. Numbers are staying up, and lots of people are taking part in D&D, some games, etc. I finally got to break out one of my absolute favorite all time games, Blood Bowl, and teach Mr. Duvernay how to play.
We do have a few issues that have arisen that need to be addressed, though.
1. There should be no horseplay and running around, throwing things, and otherwise being a loud nuisance. If it continues to be a issue, you'll be asked to leave and not come back.
2. Lots of people are hanging out and not playing games. In and of itself, not a big issue. However, I'm getting complaints regarding cursing and there's a bit of overlap with the horseplay problem. Please remember that we are the Gamers Club, and we should be playing games.
November 13, 2024
Hey guys. Again, sorry about the cancellation last week. It couldn't be avoided.
We are collecting quotes for the t-shirt. If you guys say anything funny or silly during the club write it down. It should be things from the club, not from movies or webcomics or whatever.
November 5, 2024
Hey everyone. I'm really sorry, but we're going to have to cancel Gamers Club this afternoon, 11/5. Mr. Scott and I are not able to stay this afternoon.
October 3, 2024
Great meeting! D&D is still going strong, as is the Magic group. We introduced Frag to some people, a classic PvP murderfest. But more importanty, the results of the election are in!
Your 2024-2025 Gamers Club officers are:
President: Victoria Casey
Vice President: Isaac Allen
Secretary: Ki Moore
Sergeant-at-Arms: Kayleb Mader
Congratulations to everyone, and thanks for all who ran!
September 30, 2024
We are voting on officers tomorrow! Remember, only paid members can vote or run for office. So far the candidates are:
- President: Victoria Casey, William Wright
- Vice President: Isaac Allen
- Secretary: Ki Moore, Colin Moore
- Sergeant-at-Arms: Kayleb Mader, Isabella Skelly
September 18, 2024
Great meeting yesterday! We're holding at about 20 people coming in for the club meetings, and lots of games are being played. We did a couple games of Sushi Go!, a couple rounds of Tsuro, and a couple hands of Pit (one of my favorite games).
If we're going to put video games up on a TV, someone will need to bring in a dock or something for the Switch. I do have an HDMI cord if we need it. Remember, you have to be a paid member to play on the TVs.
Still taking nominations for office positions! Elections will be September 24 (next week). You must be a paid member to run or vote for office.
A reminder: Gamers Club is awesome, but it's still a school function.
Please sign in when you arrive.
Please refrain from horseplay and running around screeching (you know who you are).
Also, you need to stay in the area once we've started. You should not be roaming the school.
September 13, 2024
We are taking nominations for club officers! The positions you can run for are president, vice president, secretary, and sergeant-at-arms. You can ask me at the meetings for what each one does.
Only paid members may run for office or vote. Remember, paying your club dues is a big deal; it lets you run and vote for office, play video games on the TVs, buy a t-shirt, vote on club purchases, and eat pizza at the end of the year party! All our games and pizza are purchased through club dues; without that, we can't get new games or pizza.
September 4, 2024
Another great meeting! The D&D group is already going strong! I taught Don't Stop to some new members, and other people chose to sit and play Switch or phone games together.
Please remember to sign in when you come. It helps us keep track of numbers for the office. Also, please consider paying your club fees for the year; it helps us buy new games and pay for pizza at the end of the year.
August 27, 2024
Great first meeting yesterday! New faces, familiar faces, and some fun games! Pics are up on the XGC Facebook page.
Kyler has started laying the groundwork for the D&D campaign this year, so if you're interested in learning and/or playing Dungeons and Dragons, see him. The Magic the Gathering group had an epic 5-way duel, and some of us learned a new (and super fun) game called Rear Window.
Remember, we meet every Tuesday from 2:30-4:30. People are always welcome to come to the club all through the year. Please be sure to fill out the application form, and please consider paying the optional club fees. They help us buy new games, finds the pizza party, and more.
Welcome back! First thing I know everyone wants to know: our first meeting will be August 27, from 2:30-4:30 in the cafeteria. Be there! Invite your friends!
Gen Con was awesome as always. HUGE crowds this year; it was very crowded. Seemed worse than normal for the first to days, then less on Saturday, then crazy on Sunday. Weird. Tons of cool stuff otherwise, and it was a great four days of gaming, eating good food, hanging with friends, and checking out old stuff at the pop-up museum for the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons! Pics will be up soon on the XGC Facebook page.
You should join the XGC Google Classroom. It gets updated more than this site does. You'll get all the notifications or news you need. The XGC Google Classroom code is 2wgg6oi