December 2024 Kids of Character

Board of Education Recognizes December 2024 Kids of Character
Posted on 12/03/2024

At the December 2 Board of Education meeting, we recognized our Kids of Character for the district! Each month, one student from each building is recognized for modeling positive character traits such as respect, responsibility, and integrity for their fellow students.

Congratulations to our December 2024 Kids of Character: 

  • Xenia Preschool: Libby Bailey
  • Arrowood Elementary: Audrey Gregory
  • Cox Elementary: Kingston Harden 
  • McKinley Elementary: Teralee Herl 
  • Shawnee Elementary: Griffin Beam
  • Tecumseh Elementary: Davon Rodriguez 
  • Warner Middle School: Alonzo Alredge
  • Xenia High School: James Harper 

Xenia Preschool: Libby Bailey
Libby is always happy at school and always smiling. She loves music and songs. She tries hard to engage with the students around her and she vocalizes and smiles when anyone at school talks to her. She loves seeing her picture and her name and her friends love getting to stand by her at check in each day in the classroom. Libby loves being read to and her friends enjoy taking turns reading her stories and helping her play with her toys. Libby is a wonderful student of character for always staying happy and shining her beautiful smile at all those around her at school every day!

Arrowood Elementary: Audrey Gregory
Arrowood is proud to announce Audrey Gregory as our December Kid of Character. Audrey is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Morton’s class. Mrs. Morton writes, “Audrey is always an excellent example of respect. She is an encouragement to her classmates and cares for others well. She is someone who tries to solve problems herself first, and she is always willing to help others! Arrowood is blessed to have her as one of our students!” Thank you, Audrey!

Cox Elementary: Kingston Harden 
Kingston was nominated by his teacher Ms. Mailloux. She writes, "Kingston Harden is always looking for ways to help his teachers and his peers. He is always honest, and has great integrity for a 2nd grader! I often see him jumping to help another student when they don’t know what to do. Kingston works hard and gives every assignment and activity his best!! He is a great leader!"

McKinley Elementary: Teralee Herl 
The McKinley 3rd grade team would like to recognize Teralee as our Kid of Character. There are many reasons why Teralee is deserving of this award. First and foremost, Teralee continuously strives to do her best on any assignment or task that is given to her. She also sets an incredible example for other students on a daily basis, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Finally, Teralee exemplifies all of the qualities that a student should be. Someone who is kind, caring, respectful, and always tries their best! The 3rd grade teachers could not be more proud of the amazing student that Teralee is and always strives to be. Congratulations Teralee!

Shawnee Elementary: Griffin Beam
Griffin Beam was selected as the student of character for the month of December. He is being recognized for the character trait Gratitude. Everyday Griffin comes to school with a wonderful attitude and an eagerness to learn something new. In class Griffin shows his appreciation and kindness through his actions and effort. He works hard, listens to others, and wants to do his absolute best. I'm thankful for Griffin, he is a great example to his peers. We are lucky to have Griffin at Shawnee. Griffin is growing tremendously and it is a reflection of his character! I'm proud of you Griffin, keep working hard and doing your best!

Tecumseh Elementary: Davon Rodriguez 
Davon was chosen from Mrs. DeMartino's class as the kid of character. Davon is a very kind friend, if he sees someone on the playground and they look sad or upset, Davon will go and play with them and try to cheer them up. He loves to give a smile and wave as he is passing kids in the hallway. He can sometimes be heard saying “It's okay Davon, don’t be sad” and will give himself reminders of positive behavior. He will also give his teachers a warm hug to ensure they are feeling okay. Congrats on being our classroom kid of character, Davon! You have developed into a leader. You inspire us with your smile, laughter and your intelligence! Keep it up! We are going to miss you at Tecumseh next year!!

Warner Middle School: Alonzo Alredge
Alonzo is in his second year at Warner Middle School. He has shown significant growth and maturity over the past year. Alonzo played on the 7th grade football team and truly enjoyed every practice and game. He plans to keep his academic performance in good order and continue working hard. Alonzo has many close friends he has known since elementary school, and he has made many new friends this year as well. Alonzo’s favorite subject is Math, and his most favorite Exploratory class this year is Design and Modeling with Mr. Klosterman. Alonzo hopes to play professional football as an adult and is determined to work toward that dream.  We are proud of the effort Alonzo has put in this year!

Xenia High School: James Harper 
James consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and makes the most of his time, balancing his academic responsibilities with his commitment to the band. He excels in both areas, always giving his best effort. In the classroom, James sets a positive example for his peers through his dedication and focus. I deeply appreciate his honesty, integrity, and the respectful attitude he brings to every interaction. His presence in class is a true pleasure, and he contributes to a positive and productive learning environment.